Zuppa Romana
Generazione, A Call from Rome | nowhere, Rome IT | 2016
The Roman countryside has been for centuries a Locus Amenus, a sort of anthropized Arcadia, free from the urban tasks, but eventually became a place of retreat for emperors and popes.
A scenario both connected and disconnected with Rome, whose borders have been always considered ambiguous and undefined.

We have been invited to this design exercise to establish a confrontation over a common typology, a classical topic, but not for this anachronistic: a topic that bring us back to the autonomy of the discipline, but without anesthetizing it, rather trying to recover its regardless strength.

Andrea Anselmo
Gloria Castellini
Guya Di Bella
Filippo Fanciotti
Giovanni Glorialanza
Boris Hamzeian
Andrea Anselmo
Gloria Castellini
Guya Di Bella
Filippo Fanciotti
Giovanni Glorialanza
Boris Hamzeian
site: 12.000 m2
photos by: False Mirror Office
site: 12.000 m2
photos by: False Mirror Office
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