Saluti da Roma

Roma IT |  Promenades dans Rome | 2021

False Mirror Office’s contribution to Promenades dans Rome, assembly practices between visions, ruins and reconstructions held at Istituto Svizzero in Rome, curated by Elisa Boeri, Nicola Braghieri, Filippo Cattapan and Filippo Fanciotti.

From the article: 

We propose a series of potential interventions to finally surrender the eternal city to its truly eternal citizens: tourists. Each act differs radically from the other - such large is the distance in shape, history and nature of Rome’s monuments; for the sole sake of consultation we easily exemplify them with four main strategies: removal, replacement, activation and appropriation. [...] An act of removal aims to a radical preservation of the real monument, at the cost of “undoing” it. [...] An act of replacement allows to swap any original monument with its copy. [...] An activationintervention aims at assigning a function to a monument, turning it into a profitable element of the city. [...] With an appropriation act the aura of well-known monument will gratefully inhabit those incomplete places, expanding at the same time the socio-economical benefits of visitors to the whole perimeter inside the G.R.A. while giving a new meaning to some metro stops in the meantime.

Read the full article here.
