OPEN! Studi Aperti | Genoa, IT | 2017
For the event "Open! The architects open their studies to the public ", promoted by the National Council of Architects, our five studies have decided to give life to a collective event that would present their work as a single corpus, the product of a community, if not quite of a school, based on common training and reinforced by frequent collaborations in the competition field.
The exhibition is divided into three scenes.
The first is inspired by the card game designed by Charles and Ray Eames, and consists of an installation composed of 212 cards on which are reproduced drawings, plastic photos, collages and graphics that show our common passion for the representation of ' architecture, understood not only as a retrospective return of a project, but as the very foundation of research and the design process.
The second consists of a video projection of the works realized or under construction.
The third scene occupies Piazza Grillo Cattaneo, on which the other two spaces overlook, and consists of a two-dimensional representation in plan and in real scale of a designed space.
A game on the contrast between interior and exterior and on the ability to imagine what is not there, but also a reflection on the role of the architect as a mediator between private egoisms in search of a synthesis in the collective interest and architecture as physical meeting place but also ideal among people.
The exhibition is divided into three scenes.
The first is inspired by the card game designed by Charles and Ray Eames, and consists of an installation composed of 212 cards on which are reproduced drawings, plastic photos, collages and graphics that show our common passion for the representation of ' architecture, understood not only as a retrospective return of a project, but as the very foundation of research and the design process.
The second consists of a video projection of the works realized or under construction.
The third scene occupies Piazza Grillo Cattaneo, on which the other two spaces overlook, and consists of a two-dimensional representation in plan and in real scale of a designed space.
A game on the contrast between interior and exterior and on the ability to imagine what is not there, but also a reflection on the role of the architect as a mediator between private egoisms in search of a synthesis in the collective interest and architecture as physical meeting place but also ideal among people.