concorsi: campi di battaglia

Unfolding Pavilion | Venice IT | lecture| may 2018

From the event brief by Forestieri Pace Pezzani

“For most architectural practices, competitions constitute one of the most common ways to try to get some work.
In fact, the extremely low odds of victory —and, as a consequence, of paying back expended labour— and the even lower chances of building winning schemes, don’t seem to discourage the hundreds competing every day for the most ambitious or interesting briefs. Bolstered and trained by the rhythms and formats of university studio projects, young architects see competitions as unique opportunities to engage with complex programs and public clients that would otherwise remain inaccessible. Due to their tight temporality, competitions boost the production of architectural collective imagination.

Competitions are hypothetical futures, immaterial realities that crowd into imaginary architectural landscapes.

How is such collective imagination constituted, how does it stratify and evolve in the contemporary scene?
Who are these images trying to seduce, and how?
Which channels do young architects use to make them circulate?“